Fountain of Youth

Fountain of Youth is a print magazine that explores the psychology of the inner child, and illustrates how it applies to my life. This magazine is a fusion of science and personal storytelling, and features variations of graphic design and photography.

I spent the past three months as the Art Director, Editor in Chief, Photographer, Model, and Designer. My roles included styling outfits, creating the set design, color-grading and compositing images, directing photoshoots, communicating with talent, writing and signing contracts, modeling, taking pictures, iterating graphic design, and editing copy.

I completed a total of six photoshoots and created six different sections of the magazine. The first dives into the psychology behind the inner child, while the rest of the articles connect the inner child back to my life. Throughout the process, I created multiple prototypes to test for error and readability, and incorporated any feedback I received.

Fountain of Youth Magazine

The following blog posts do into detail on various parts of the development process:

Below is a PDF of the final magazine.

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